
Archive for the ‘Randomness’ Category

I’m feeling pretty restless today. There is just something about staying at home all day long that leaves me unsettled. Dare I say it? I’m bored….again. This seems to be a reoccurring pattern for me; boredom. I remember being quite bored as a kid too. Home, school, it didn’t matter, I was bored. I like routine but get pretty bored with the routine quickly. This is where the dreaded “c” word comes in…change. I love change. It keeps things interesting. So here is the thing I need…routine that changes! 😀 Sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it….routine change.

Living With IntensityI’ve been doing a lot of reading recently about what has been going on with my son. The book was awesome; “Living with Intensity.” It ties in with another book I’ve been reading called “Emotional Intelligence.” They are both written by PhD’s in psychology. The first is about gifted kids, adolescents and adults. How being gifted lends itself to over-excitability and intensity in character and determination. I related a lot to this book and have come to the realization that I was one of those overlooked gifted kids in school. The public school system didn’t classify me as gifted because I didn’t “perform” on standardized tests. I hate standardized tests much like my son does now and always felt pressure to achieve…leaving me anxious about not finishing on time. So it explains a lot about why I feel so INTENSELY over my son being “overlooked” at his school now. I feel the injustice being served to him and feel a need to protect him from what happened to me. I tell you…when you are constantly feeling like you are smart enough to do something but the “authority figures” tell you that you aren’t qualified or smart enough to do it…it really hurts your self-esteem. Something I’ve been dealing with for a long time…low self-esteem. I’m very thankful for this book because it has validated me. It has also turned my world upside down so I’m struggling with a lot of different thoughts about my past, present and future. I’ve been aiming too low in life…now just to get over my fear of failure and to aim a little higher.

EI GolemanThe second book, “Emotional Intelligence” talks about another type of intelligence, possibly a more important intelligence than what our schools teach us. How to relate to others and yourself to successfully move through life. Being sensitive to your own needs and the needs of others…to empathize and identify with others lends to a more enriching life to live. The two books really go hand in hand. For if Emotional Intelligence were taught in schools today, kids would be much more successful in life (outside of academics) and many gifted children would not be overlooked. Gifted kids can exhibit highly intense emotions…emotions that need to be addressed in schools. Unfortunately many schools today just see the acting out of emotions they can’t put in words as “bad behavior” and are thus labeled as difficult or troubled kids. School administrators and teachers need to be schooled in emotional intelligence. I feel that until our public school system can adequately address the emotional needs of kids along with academic needs they are a failure and will never be able to truly identify kids with potential or help those in real trouble.

I’m still mentally sorting through all this since I’m struggling with how to help my son at his charter school. The big questions are: How do you educate the Educators? Can they look past me as a mere parent and see me as a gifted individual with a major handle on the issue concerning my son? or will they simply refuse to break free from their institutionalized thinking and only see me as interfering? The school at the moment can’t relate to or understand what I’m saying.

You see…I have a lot going on in my mind sometimes…so when I’m bored at home…I get pretty restless…like I need to do something! I need to do more than just sit at home with my lovely 3 year old…routine change…hmmmm…still thinking on that!

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Thinking Too Much

thoughts running
running through my mind
to line them up would be unkind

the thoughts must process at different speeds
for different things and different needs

they come and go without delay
“stop and think!”
“about what?” I’d say.

the kids, the home, the husband, the pets
the school, the church, a lot upset
getting it “right” or getting it “wrong”
who’s to say where it all belongs

topsy turvey and around they go
the thoughts – some deep, others no

they make my head hurt
they cause more confusion
I feel like I’m right
they think I’m deluded

Peace shall come
some day or night
one day…ONE DAY
it will be alright!!

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Living in My Box

Life in this home is crazy at best sometimes; I know I’ve talked about it on this blog.  I’ve had a bit of time to reflect on things and have come to the realization that a lot of the issues here have nothing to do with me.  Wow!  It’s crazy!  For the longest time I’ve been focused on me as the cause of a lot of the drama!  When I take step back and look at it rationally I can see that it’s not me.  Not me at all.  Now I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and I don’t always react the way I should when the proverbial #@%$&^ hits the fan, but I’m pretty sane in the midst of it all.  My family life is nuts and it’s not because of me!  Seriously…it’ s not me!  I think it finally sunk in!

My son has been a large part of the stress because of his anxiety issues , as well as my husband.  I’m not talking badly about DH, mind you, but he has anxiety issues of his own that need to get worked out.  I’ve been modifying my behaviors to fit in a tiny little “box” , if you will, to reduce the amount of their stress at home.  Problem is…I’m left in the box…and it’s pretty tiny in here!  I’ve pushed a few walls of my box out a bit in the past few weeks and the stress levels have risen…not my stress…theirs…I’m happier in my bigger box.  Son and hubby aren’t so happy with my bigger box.  You see it means change…the dreaded ‘C’ word.  They hate any type of change.  Any type!

I am glad to be a stay-at-home-mom for my kids; but I’m bored.  SO BORED!  I need to do something other than “stay-at-home” but my box won’t let me.  This box wants me to be at home, all the time, tidying the home, cooking the meals, doing the laundry, minding the kids…and nothing else.  Oh, I could probably fit in women’s bible study and any type of church activity…because those are “box approved” activities.  Don’t get me wrong, church is important, bible study is important…but I need something a little deeper…and there is another entire box full of stuff labeled “CHURCH”  IN my box with me that is filled without substance.  It’s taking up a lot of space in here! It’s full of time wasters…total distractions from the real reasons we go to church.  I’ve moved on from “busy work” in my spiritual life…I need change!  There it is again…the ‘C’ word.

I’m praying about this earnestly because I’m just not happy about my tiny little box.  Yes, God doesn’t promise that we will be happy, but I’m sure He didn’t intend for us to live in a tiny box completely unhappy 95% of our time.  I’m not buying that.  He loves us too much to never give us any enjoyment or happiness in our daily lives.  The problem isn’t me.  The problem isn’t God.  The problem is this box that I live in…now where’s my box cutter….time for some more expansion!  Change is coming….

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Blogging Ideas

I did something radical.  I stayed away from my cell phone and laptop for about 3 days!  Gasp!  I wasn’t sure how it would work out and I admittedly wanted to check email and facebook…but I took that needed break from technology.

While away I began to brainstorm about my blog.  I would like to devote more time to blogging.  I find it a stress relief to send my “stories” off into the world of the internet…go figure.  I came up with at least 35 different ideas to blog about in a very short period of time.  So I’m well on my way of blogging a little more frequently.  You see, my main obstacle has been that once I sit down to write something I blank out.  I can think of ideas all day and when I sit down….nothing.  I now carry a small notebook in my purse to write down my ideas throughout the day.  I hope I will blog more often than not now that I have a “plan” and a notebook!

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