
Archive for the ‘Wordly Things’ Category

President Frankly, I am outraged by the President’s speech last night.  He is clearly not listening to the people and is entirely bent on pushing through his own agenda at the expense of the country.  This was blatant politics people.  He was using the same fear tactics and presidential bullying that he was preaching against.  Of course, he was preaching to “his people” who will make a big show for him to boost his ever inflating ego.  The President’s town halls this past month were even filled with a “stacked deck” of audience members.  Seriously?  He must think we are all blind sheep who willingly follow without questioning what is actually going on.  The smoke screens and distractions (i.e. Van Jones and speaking to the nation’s children) were lame attempts at changing the subject and won’t change the fact that this bill, HR3200, is nothing but control!

I have read the bill.  This bill creates a committee that reports directly to the President…not Congress….meaning…not the people.  Up to 17 people on this potential 27 member committee are appointed by the President without Congressional approval.  These “experts” will be handpicked by the President alone and will report to him alone.  Now, take Obama out of the picture.  Do you want ANY President to wield that much authority over your health care options?  Not to mention there is a requirement of only one person to be a licensed doctor….the Surgeon General.  The others are simply outlined as “experts in healthcare”.  So this brings special interests to a new level…without accountability to Congress and the people, these health insurance fat cats could possibly have more power…and greater influence over our president.  How is this a good thing?

Rasmussen polls are currently showing that 53% of the people are against this health care bill…and 58% of those not registered with either major party are opposed.  Interestingly, 78% of people are polled at wanting the same health care coverage that Congress has.  So here is a big question:  Do you think that Congress will ditch their insurance plan to be on the “public option” plan with the rest of us or will they let “us” join their plan?  I think the answer is a big NO!  Congress has it good and they know it…why would they give that up?

Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, said, “In the Federalist Papers, written to promote passage of the U.S. Constitution, it was noted that the only way to effectively control a legislator was to insure that they come home and live under the rules they write for the rest of us. In the 21st century, that doesn’t happen anymore. So voters seem to be applying the same logic in reverse by saying that they would like a chance to play by the same rules that Congress has written for themselves.”

Do I need to mention that Rasmussen also shows that 51% of the population do not approve of the President at the moment? Congress disapproval ratings are ranging between 43% and 56% AND 63% of Americans feel that our government is on the WRONG track.  How is that “a strong majority” of the people in favor with what the President and Congress are doing?  HUH?  Is he crazy, brainwashed or just stupid?  Seriously…what is he thinking?  I don’t understand!

Oh and check the photo I included in the post…what do those faces say to you?  To me, I read smug, ego-maniac, in-your-face, MISPLACED arrogance.  Humble, sincere, seeking the good of the people…not so much.  Nice. Real nice.

I firmly believe that MANY of our legislators (Republican and Democrat) are living in Ivory Towers and have completely lost touch with the people.  They have completely forgotten who elected them and why they are in Washington, D.C.  I don’t know about you, but the next chance I get to vote OUT someone I’m doing it!  Change We Can Believe In?  Yeah…let ME make a change!

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I received interesting news the other day from my doctor.  To some of you it may not be new news…since I made a comment on my face-book status.  I have been fatigued and generally sickly for quite awhile now and finally got my behind to the doctor a few weeks ago.  Last week the doctor gave me the results of my blood-work…many panels…many vials…oh the horror!  It turns out that my “normal” blood-work all came back normal…even my thyroid panel, which has never really been normal.  BUT…I had positive results on 3 panels…don’t laugh…mono being one of them!  Can you believe it!?!  OMGosh!  The dreaded kissing disease…and I ain’t been kissin’ no one except my kids!  😀  So that explained some of my sickly, tired, yucky feelings…I’ve been running myself ragged to say the least with 3 kids, 3 cats, 1 dog, too many fish, and a husband!  So I wore down and got sick.  The funny thing is that the nurse told me to get plenty of rest!  Ha ha!  Yeah..that’s gonna happen!  Sometimes you just have to laugh!

So what about the other two panels? Well…one is Celiac Disease.  I have Celiac Disease.  For those who don’t know what this is…my body is attacking my intestines because of this little protien called gluten found in wheat, rye and barley.  There is no cure for Celiac Disease…it is an auto-immune disease…genetic.  The only way to reverse the damage “inside” and stop any possible future damage is to avoid eating gluten for the rest of my life.  No more wheat bread, wheat pasta, pastries or OREOS (oh I’m mouring the loss of oreos!)…or the hidden gluten found in sooooo many products including SOY SAUCE!  It was rough news to say the least.  Fortunately I didn’t go into this without a lot of foreknowledge…my father has a gluten intolerance…so I have won half the battle!

The last panel?  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  I tested positive for RA.  I’m still struggling with this one….don’t feel so positive about it.  It potentially means a life filled with pain….possibly daily.  I’m not looking forward to this since I have so many struggles already in my life.  I already have 2 degenerative discs in my lower spine…I just can’t fathom a life filled with pain…and I don’t want to.  If I’m honest, I’ve been feeling sorry for myself.  It’s a battle to talk back to this and try to be stronger and push through.  So to any of my praying friends…please pray for me to have the courage to persevere and not fall into self pity…oh and maybe not have too much pain?  😀  Thanks!

Interesting news, huh?  I didn’t see it coming…but I’m dealing with it the best I can.  I can’t change it, but I can live through it.  Gotta love the curves life throws at you!  The world just came crashing in…uninvited!  *SIGH!*

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After reflecting a few days after the irate comment left on my blog, I’ve come to a few conclusions.  A friend on facebook also point this out…a lot of Christians lack compassion.  Why is that?  We should be looking at people making decisions that don’t line  up with scripture with compassion.  That dear girl was so ANGRY at me for something I quoted.  Or so it seemed…  I think she was hurting from living in a sinful world and a Christian (maybe) who lacked a fundamental of our faith…compassion.  I’m glad that this young woman found my blog and I was able to give her some compassion…at least I hope she read my response.  I have definitely prayed for her.  But for now, I want to address compassion in Christianity.  This might be a long post people…forgive me!

The word compassion is mentioned in scripture a minimum of 88 times. Most of those times it refers to the character of God or God’s compassion on His people.  When looking at the Lord’s “official” names you will see many that imply His compassion.  For example, El Shaddai and El Roi.  Let’s take a brief look at these two names.

El Shaddai means “God Almighty” but when looking a the Hebrew a little closer a deeper understanding lays just beneath the surface.  El stands for His power, creatorship and covenant making.  Shaddai describes an all-bountiful power coming from the Hebrew word “shad” meaning a woman’s breast.  It implies a “poured forth” blessing as a mother nurses her child.  This name thus reveals a very tender and loving parent-child relationship with the Creator.  Psalm 1:1-3 can clearly outline this blessing of love when we stay “in Christ.”  Shouldn’t we, as Christians, spread forth the joy of this blessing?  He is and has been very compassionate us when we did not deserve it!

El Roi comes from the Hebrew root word that means “of sight” thus implying a God who sees.  It is used one time in the scriptures (see Gen 16-1-6).  It is the story of Hagar, a woman thrown out with her child from the camp of Sarah and Abraham.  The Lord heard Hagar’s cries and went to her in a time of need.  He had compassion on her while she was in distress.  Psalm 34:18 says, “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”  Compassion.  Not judging.  Let’s look at Jesus, shall we?

Read John 4 – the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well.  She was there at the 6th hour (noon) collecting water…not the typical time of day for women of the scriptures to collect water.  This was done during the morning hours when it was cool.  This woman felt she could no longer associate with the others in the mornings…she avoided them.  She was in pain from her sin.  Jesus knew this and met her at the well to give her “living water” and provide hope and care for her soul.  He was compassionate to her in her pain from living in a sinful world and making poor choices.  He was gentle and loving to her.  He saved her life through compassion!

Looking at Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 5 you can determine what was on His mind concerning this world:

1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying:
3“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Jesus taught compassion for a hurting world.  Healing for the sick.  Salvation for our souls.  As Christians we need to reflect upon these basic tenants of our faith.  Drawing upon the compassion of Christ to reach out to the hurting people living in this sinful world.  Yes, they have made bad choices.  We should not let them off  the hook for their sinful choices, BUT we are to do this in love and with compassion.  This world piles upon us more burdens than we can bear.  Christians are fortunate that we have Christ and the Holy Spirit to draw upon in the trials of our lives.  Non-believers do not have this luxury…they turmoil without hope.

Please, fellow Christian, if you find yourself confronted with a person needing to hear Christ, speak with compassion.  Jesus was strong in His message of salvation for he never let anyone off the hook, but He was compassionate in the delivery.  I’ll end with this from Matthew 11:28-30:

28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Let’s not burden the hurting anymore than they already are, dear Christian.

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Over the past few weeks I have come across two articles on China.  The first one was an article in Time Magazine regarding youth in China being addicted to video games to the extent of needing to spend time in rehabilitation camps.  Apparently some parents in China are so desperate for help that they send their child to this boot camp of sorts to help them learn how to be productive citizens again.  One student is quoted as saying he is better but still nervous about re-entering the world and having to interact with people.

I can verify that computer games are popular in China.  I have been inside Chinese computer cafe’s and seen firsthand the number of young men huddled around computers and playing all the time.  I find it amazing that they have nothing better to do with their time and that they have access to some of these games.  China blocks many internet sites and email transmissions in and out of China to keep “western thoughts” at bay…yet they let many types of computer games in the country.  It’s interesting to me.  These kids are sent to camps where they learn how to be a family with other kids….many of them do not have siblings….and they mention that they hope to keep in contact with many of their new friends from the camps.   I’ll let you draw your own conclusions here.

The other article I read was about Hillary’s political trip to China.  She saw no need to make a deal out of visiting a government registered church service.  Simply stating that she was just planning on going to church…no agenda.  She was compared to Madeline Albright who declared that China needed to let people express their religious freedoms after attending a Chinese church.  Hillary was also compared to her husband, Bill Clinton, who sought out Chinese people who were pushed away from him when leaving a church service in China.  He made an effort to talk to these people and hear what they had to say.  Hillary did neither of these things.  Instead she was more concerned with getting China to buy off our debt.  Something she was against during the Presidential races last year.  So now she wants the USA to be indebted MORE to a communist country that oppresses the religious freedoms of their people.  Unbelievable!  Did I mention that the anniversary of the student protests in Tienanmen Square is approaching too?

On another note about China, I have been following a friend’s blog as they are adopting their 3rd child from China…a 13 year old boy.  In today’s post  they talked about being approached by a Chinese Christian in Starbucks (can you imagine? even rural China has Starbucks?!?).  They were just sitting with their 3 children drinking hot chocolates…nothing outright labeled them as Christian.  So they asked how this person knew they were Christian.  The person stated back, “I’ve noticed that many Americans who adopt are Christian.”  Talk about a statement for Christ.  Those who are able are taking care of “the least of these” and caring for the “fatherless” who cannot care for themselves.  Adopting children into their families as Christ adopts us into His family.  A picture of love.  A picture of Christ.  A picture is worth a thousand words….

So there you go…random thoughts on China.

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God’s blessings are sent our way everyday.  The question is do we recognize them?  If you have been reading along you know that I have had a struggle with finding wire hangers!  Ugh.  I just need to trust the Lord more.  My friends from church and my neighborhood gladly donated hangers without me really asking directly.  And wouldn’t you know it…but the number of hangers they gave were the exact number I needed.  I didn’t have any leftover hangers and didn’t have any leftover clothes.  God is so good!

Now I realize that some people may simply see this as a coincidence and may even suggest that I asked for the right number of hangers.  But I strongly disagree!  First off, I don’t believe in coincidences.  I believe in a LORD that ordains all things in the universe and everything is done according to a greater plan.  There is nothing too small or too big for my God to be concerned with in my life.  He loves His children and desires to give us what we need if we ask Him (see Matthew 7:11).  Secondly, I never asked for a certain number of hangers.  My friends gladly provided what they had or what they were able to give.  The number worked on it’s own!  Yay God!

So now that I’m done tagging and hanging items I’m able to see where I should not have worried.  That if it was in God’s plan for me to send all these items to consignment all would work out and work out well.  It’s so easy in this life to worry about things that we should not worry about.  If we pray about our circumstances, no matter how small or large, the LORD will provide and answer our prayers.  We (I) need to practice leaving my requests at the LORD’s feet and not taking them back!  Things would be much easier if I would remember this promise of His…

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6:31-34

I think everyone who can call themselves a Child of God needs to keep these verses in our minds and in our hearts in the months to come.  Our privileged lives in America will not be easy in the coming months.  But take heart!  The LORD knows what we need and will provide for those who love Him.  He will not leave us unattended!  Even something as small as a provision of hangers is within His grasp!  Wow!

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