
Archive for February 2nd, 2009

Manic Monday

Well I had a great weekend cropping with my friends.  I needed the break but now I’m totally unprepared for this week!  Yikes!  I’m a bit tired too…I guess I should have taken that much needed nap yesterday afternoon!

I’m not looking forward to a parent teacher conference with DS’s teacher today.  She requested a conference to discuss his behavior in class recently.  He is academically on target, but the behaviors and social issues are a problem.  He was also expelled from the bus on Friday for an entire week.  Apparently he can’t keep his hands to himself and will pinch, hit, and harrass other students on the bus.  So I made an executive decision and will pick him up from school for the rest of the year.  It’s just not worth the stress of wondering if he’s going to hurt someone on the bus…regardless of whether he’s being antagonized or not.  Okay, I need to be positive about this.  Where is the silver lining?

DS has an appointment this Thursday with a Psychiatrist.  This conference will help me have the up to date info on DS’s behaviors in social situations to help the new doctor analyze the info and come up with an accurate diagnosis for DS.  Also, DS’s psychologist will be attending the teacher conference with me to help determine appropriate action the school can take as well as help direct future therapy sessions.  There!  Positive outlook!  Let’s pray that all will go well and have high hopes for positive outcomes.  How’s that for good self-care and management??!!  🙂

UPDATE: The meeting went well.  I’m glad my psychologist came with me because the teacher brought the principal with her.  I was starting to feel ganged up on until “my side” was intact…not that it was “us” against “them” by any means.  We all care for DS and want the best for him…so everything was positive.  Whew!

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